JPost.'An unbearable price.'

Olmert: War's failures are not to be underestimated
Prime minister tells cabinet 'Winograd report no cause for celebration; we must always remember that there are those who pay an unbearable price.' Justice Winograd: Public needs to read the report and do what it deems necessary
Roni Sofer
02.03.08, 12:11 /
Israel News
'An unbearable price.' Olmert Photo: AP

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert opened Sunday's cabinet meeting by saying that the final Winograd report on the 2006 Second Lebanon War, which was published last Wednesday, "is no cause for celebration, but rather presents an opportunity to mend the failings that it exposed and move Israel ahead so it will be prepared for any security, political or social challenges that may arise."
"The report revealed severe failings in the conduct of Israeli society and in the conduct our political and military echelons, along with evidence of great courage and bravery that Israel's fighters displayed during the Lebanon campaign," Olmert told cabinet.
According to the prime minister, Israel began implementing the lessons drawn from the war immediately following its conclusion, and stressed once again that he was "confident in the ability of the IDF and the security establishment," adding that "(Defense Minister Ehud) Barak and (Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen.) Gabi Ashkenazi are capable of preparing the army for any future challenge".
"Just as the war report stated, there were achievements along with the failures and significant successes along with the mistakes. We must not underestimate the failures or overstress the successes, and we must always remember that there are those who pay an unbearable price," he said.
"From here we send our love to the bereaved families – a warm embrace from the State of Israel and its government," Olmert said.
Retired Justice Eliyahu Winograd, who headed the investigation into the Lebanon war told Ynet that the committee stood by its harsh statements.
"The public needs to read the report and do what it deems necessary afterwards. We have said our piece," he said.
Aviram Zino contributed to this report,


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