
International Falconry fair held in Spain

Elephant performances in Dalian Forest Zoo

Of Montreal: City on St. Lawrence offers culture, European charm

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks...

Palestinians walk past...

A bush fire...

President Barack Obama answers a question

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (R) and Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvili

Voters in Kyrgyzstan

U.S. President Barack Obama (R) and Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki

A naked man stages a protest

US President Barack Obama speaks

graphic shows poll results...

the Bosphorus bridge

Israeli soldiers patrol the West Bank city of Nablus

Novel ways to watch solar eclipse

World Santa Claus congress 2009

Seal? We are all amateur stargazer!

Tehran classic car show 09

S Korean students take part in summer military camp